Well, she’s done it again.
Nancy Duarte continues to innovate and show people how storytelling, visual communication and presentation should be done.
I have written about my admiration for her second book, Resonate, before. It is the first and only true in-depth analysis of successful presentation construction that I know of, and it is a perfect companion Slide:ology, her first book that I often give out to people who are serious about becoming better presenters. Nancy has long been interested in bringing her books to life in an appropriately multimedia format, and she has now converted Resonate into a highly interactive HTML5 online edition.
And perhaps the most amazing part is that she is making this edition absolutely free. You can also get it as an interactive iBook, also for free.
Did I mention that Nancy is literally giving away one of the best written and produced presentation books around for free? Yes, you can spend money and buy it from Amazon, but then you don’t get all the interactive and multimedia features which include Nancy herself bringing much of the text to life.
Seriously, just go here and start reading this afternoon…