Neo/Ipsum PPT Add-in

Justin Bretschneider just released an incredibly cool free add-in for PowerPoint (PC-only) called Neo/Ipsum.

Often, one has to begin design of a presentation before all content has been written, and so very often designers will place “greeked” text in headers and text boxes to show how the slide will look down the road. You can laboriously cut and paste Lorem Ipsum or use PowerPoint’s secret key commands of =lorem() and =rand(), but you still need to do this one slide and one text box at a time. This is where Neo/Ipsum comes in.

neo ipsum dialogue boxAfter a painless install, just select the new “Fill Placeholders” button on your Insert ribbon, choose which slides you want to work on, select one of a number of types of dummy text (Classic Lorem Ipsum, Hipster Ipsum, Famous Final Words Ipsum, and a few others) and hit confirm. That’s it.

The add-in turns empty slides with empty placeholders like this…

neo ipsum PowerPoint Tex add-in before


Into this…

neo ipsum PowerPoint Text add-in


Download it here!

Categories: Design, PowerPoint.
visual training presentation